Sam's HTML Demo

How is this .html file transferred to the web?

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol.

* Transfers multimedia information over the Internet
	* Webpages, video, audio, images, etc.
* Application layer protocol in the IP suite
* Functions as a request-response
* V1.1 is defined in the RFC 2616.
* The port number utilized is 80

What is HTML?

HyperText Markup Language
* Originally released in 1993 (31 years ago!), latest release HTML5
* Designed to Display Data
* .html & .htm file extensions
* Predefined Tags HTML is a fairly straightforward way to display the contents and structure of web contents
(video, audio, text, images, etc.)

HTTP Client(Web browser) and HTTP Server(Computer Host)
***Also called daemon
*Client sends HTTP request message to the Server
*Server provides HTML files, other content, and returns a response message
***Response - contains completion status info for request, along with requested content.
* Your browser(Client) sends an HTML request to the Server which gets the .html file associated with the entered URL.
* HTML code is parsed into a DOM (Document Object Model)
* The browser then uses this result to display the webpage

Examples of HTML formatting:

JavaScript can change the style of an HTML element.

I'm creating a link to the Suny Broome Homepage.

Here is a Form Example

Adding Media:

Here is an Image of my dog:

My Favorite Animal

Her name is Boomer!

Here is an embedded YouTube video!:

There is much you can create with HTML!